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Equal Justice USA

New York, New York (United States)


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Company Description:

Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) is a national organization working to transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that break cycles of trauma. We work at the intersection of criminal justice, public health, and racial justice to elevate healing and safety over punishment, advance racial equity, and meet the needs of survivors. 
We build community safety by: 
  • strengthening and expanding community-led solutions to violence; 
  • building capacity for those community-led organizations and getting them the funding that they need—by advocating for policy that promotes alternatives to policing and punitive systems; and 
  • changing the narrative around justice, reducing the harm of our current system, and building a justice system that actually delivers safety and well-being. 
EJUSA has a bold vision for healing and equity that directly aligns with this urgent national moment – making this an exciting time to join our team and design the next phase of EJUSA’s strategy!

Jobs by Equal Justice USA
Results: 1 Jobs
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Senior Media Manager Equal Justice USA Remote, 08.19.2024
About us:   Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) is a national organization working to transform the justice system...

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