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Honolulu Civil Beat

Honolulu, Hawaii (United States)


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Company Description:

Honolulu Civil Beat is a leader in developing innovative engagement strategies to foster a well informed-citizenry. Our foundation is strong investigative and explanatory journalism that provides the community with the information and analysis to make good civic decisions.

We believe that journalism can and should have an impact. That a vibrant news organization is vital to democracy. That we can make a difference in the lives of people and in public policy through solid, smart journalism. We have a stake in this community as much as it has a stake in us.

Jobs by Honolulu Civil Beat
Results: 1 Jobs
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Title City, State Posted Down
Economic Inequality Reporter Honolulu Civil Beat Honolulu, Hawaii 08.19.2024
Honolulu Civil Beat seeks a reporter to focus on the many facets of economic inequality in the islands related to...

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